Day 5 March of Dimes Walk, Fort Tour, Awards Ceremony, Shenanigans

The day started early and HOT. We went to the March of Dimes Walk for Babies at the convention center where over 1000 people walked and raised money for awareness and funding for premature babies, health care for expectant mothers, and research for infants. This infant was 2lbs 4 oz when born. The parents walked with us. She was showing the first size diaper and sleepers he wore. Next we boarded another bus to tour around Baltimore communities, churches, and learn in depth about the "Star Spangled Banner". The inside of Ft. McHenry and the story of the battle in 1814 was very interesting. We learned the flag had 15 stars and 15 stripes and you can tell which due to the red stripe right under the blue starred piece. Every 10 minutes the troops shot a cannon. It was very loud. Then we ate dinner early at Phillips, famous for crab. Then we headed back to the hotel to c...