DC Tour

Today we left early on a bus with Portage and Ripon to catch another tour bus and head to Washington DC.  Our bus began at the Capital. We were unable to enter, but did take a walk around the entire perimeter and take lots of pictures.  Our animated tour guide had lots of facts and fables during the day. Congress was in session as evidenced by the flags over the top.

We couldn't get close to the White House, so we headed to Georgetown.  The houses are very expensive and very thin.  Originally they were taxed by the width of the house facing the street, so they were all build very narrow. 

After Georgetown, off to the MLK Jr. Memorial. By this time it was raining, so we didn't stay long. 

Off to the big Three: Lincoln memorial, Vietnam Wall and the Korean Memorial.  Very somber and moving place.  

We did get a glimpse of the White House, but again the street was blocked off. 

Off to the Marines Memorial of Iwo Jima.  Each battle Marines have been deployed is named around the base of the statute. 

Our final stop was at Arlington National Cemetery.  As we walked, our guide told us about the stones and the different sections of the grounds.  Those with a Medal of Honor have it shown on their headstone and the lettering is a Gold tint.  Those with stars across the top had that many stars awarded to them for service.  There are more than 400,000 graves and more everyday.  It was a very solemn and humbling experience.  We watched the changing of the guard for the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and JFK Family graves and eternal flame. 

It was a great learning experience and an opportunity we will all remember for a very long time.  There was an honor flight bus there at the same time and all those Veterans were very proud not only to be there but to have served. 
Day One was a very good day! 


  1. That was a great commentary, Lorri! I know I've heard it before, but what is the significance of the coins placed on the tombstone?


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